MARCH 26 2010
Sitting in our dressing room in Kansas City. Had a great show tonight here (see pics at bottom), and I’m just writing to let you know how exciting a week it has been for MIM, as a lot of you already know.
This past Tuesday, we finally released our first record to stores, and got to do a uStream chat with some of you guys last night as well. This has been such a long process of making this record, and it’s just a great feeling to finally have it come to fruition. We’d love to hear from any of you on how you’re liking it, and what your favorite songs are, if you get a chance to leave us a comment!
Patience is definitely something that I’ve had to learn in this process over the last few years. As the band has progressed, we’ve undergone many changes on the industry side of things, going from label to label, and finally landing at a great place we are now proud to call our family 🙂 (CENTRICITY MUSIC) After all this, I’m so happy and grateful for the way things have worked out and how much we’ve learned in this whole process. It reminds me how much a lot of the time, our timing with what our wishes for in life, often differ from God’s timing. And at the end of the day, God’s timing is always best. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says:
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
This is a bit of a scary verse when reading it at first glance, especially the last line. Is it simply saying that it is impossible for us to ever comprehend what God’s plan is? After thinking about it, I believe that is true. How can we, as humans ever know what God is really up to behind the scenes? And how can we really expect ourselves to see the big picture, when we are a “speck” in the spectrum of eternity? I’ve had so many things happen in life that have worked out for my ultimate good, but in the moment, I can remember questioning “What in the world was God letting me walk through it for?” Never once, have I ended up wishing things had worked out my way, instead of God’s. Even in the case of MIM, we probably would have wished for our CD to be out 2 years ago, but after going through all of the processes we had to deal with, and facing the hang-ups that every band deals with at some point, we are all very excited for where God has us, and are even continually walking in faith, that His timing is really best for everyone.
Maybe today, you’re struggling with having the patience to walk through a season of your life, that just seems almost endless, like you’re in the midst of a black tunnel with no light ahead. I just want to encourage you today, that nothing is meaningless. As much as you’ve heard it said before, I’ll still repeat it, because it is so true, but God has a purpose and a plan for everything that we go through! It’s just up to us to turn over control and trust Him completely that He knows far better than us what He is doing. Maybe say a little prayer right now and ask God for the patience and the endurance to endure whatever it is you’re going through, and thank Him that He is the God of the bigger picture. 🙂