So, the second half of the Blood, Sweat & Rock & Roll tour started off with a bang. We left Nashville at 6 am on Saturday morning and drove 9 hours to Tulsa. After a great show in Tulsa we drove 3 hours to Kansas City, threw all our merch in our bags, and got on plane heading to Raleigh, NC. After a long delay in Baltimore we finally got to NC. Then after a 2 hour drive we finally arrived in Wilmington late and played the show on gear that we weren’t familiar with. It is only by Gods grace that we made it and were able to play a show after being awake for a day and a half straight. Needless to say we slept for 13 hours straight and got to spend a beautifull day at the beach.
It’s amazing to see God’s hand at work in this ministry. We feel fortunate to be here doing what we love. Remember, God is so faithful, so compassionate, and so steadfast that nothing shakes His love for us. This life was meant to be given away, be encouraged and stand by God!!
Hopefully we will get to see you soon at a show, thank you!!