I’ve always needed some time to muse about the nature of what I want to commune and share with people every single time I have the privilege to be invited to expose myself as I’ve generously been by Jesus Freak Hideout, who recently offered me this “carte blanche” opportunity. It’s […]
“Co-Creating With God: A Scriptural Approach to Songwriting” by Krissy Nordhoff
I don’t know that I’ve felt a pressure quite like what I experienced during my first few co-writes (songwriting with others.) Sitting in a room with more experienced writers, feeling like I’m being sized up. Feeling insecure about bringing ideas of value to the room and the song. Feeling obligated […]
“Why It Is A Joyful Command To Love The Church” by Kevin King
I once had a pastor give me this advice when dealing with those we serve: “Kevin, the church is a bunch of sheep, and sheep are dumb.” I was 23 at the time, and whether you find this phrase offensive or not, I just took it to heart and tried […]
“Creating From A Place of Thankfulness” by Krissy Nordhoff
It was one of those conversations I didn’t want to have because it was unexpected and hit close to home. My husband had asked how many of my actions are motivated purely by guilt. I had never really thought about that and honestly didn’t want to. But I felt prompted […]
“2020 Has Been One Of The Craziest Years… Ever…” By Phil King
In my own life, and I know for many others’ as well, 2020 has been an absolute roller coaster. I just released a brand-new album with Gateway Music titled “All Glory,” and I had so been looking forward to releasing it. And also, in January I asked my girlfriend’s dad […]
“Don’t Look Out The Window” by Mark Bishop
Don’t look out the window. I know it’s cold and gray. Instead, picture this… You step outside your front door and walk into the warm sunshine. As soon as you leave the shadows, you feel the heat of the sun on your skin and you feel the light upon your […]
“By Grace, I Am Released” by Matt Adler
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) I’m an angry person. I’m prone to impatience, jealousy, pride, and all sorts of ugliness. Heck, if I’m honest – old Matt was […]
“Humbling Ourselves in Reverse” by Shannon Graham
It’s not an easy task to humble ourselves. This takes putting aside our pride and accepting a loss, correction, guidance, etc. However, being humble is usually connected with becoming meek or maybe stepping into the background a bit more. Being humble is often equated with stepping out of the limelight […]
“Grace” by Jemimah Paine
Hebrews 4:16 says: ‘Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.’ God is an immovable God. He loves us deeply and generously lavishes His love and grace on us. The key part […]
“I Will Not Fear” by Ovation Worship
“Peace, You give me peace. Blessed assurance to fight every battle down on my knees. Love, You give me love. Calming the doubt in my mind every time the journey is rough. I will not fear to follow your lead, Lord You provide all that I need. I don’t have […]