I’m sitting here in our dressing room in Longview, TX, as we’re getting ready to head onstage at the Belcher Center, which is probably the nicest place we’ve played all tour, but has the strangest name, eh? I wonder if the founder of this place should have taken more mylanta…
I wanted to start out this blog with a verse I was reading today:
““If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)
I have to admit, that when I read this verse, it humbles me to think about how much widsdom I lack. I think back on the past few years of my life, and how much things have changed, mistakes I’ve made, lessons I’ve learned. All the doors that have been opened for Me in Motion, the blessing that we’re able to do what we love to do every day as a band, to play music that connects people with our creator, is nothing that any of us could have arranged on our own.
I also think about God’s perfect wisdom in the times that God hasn’t let doors in my life open.
Last year I got a call from a person I’ve looked up to in the music industry ever since my youth group days, asking me to come play guitar for a very well-known multi-platinum successful secular artist, who has also done some of my favorite pop songs. After a few weeks of deliberation and constant prayer, there was only one thing that I knew was clear. I felt that God’s best for me would be to walk away from this opportunity. I didn’t know why, but I knew that this was the right thing for that time in my life. To be honest, it was something I was a little upset about for a couple days, because it was truly a step of faith, to run the opposite way when the world would just say “do it!” without even thinking.
Now in hindsight, so many things have happened in my life in the past year that I would not have even been given the opportunity to do, had I just said yes and walked thru that open door on my own – in my own wisdom – things that worked out even better than I could have imagined. God really did have my best interest in mind, just as he has for each and every one of us. My prayer for you today is simple, that you would simply trust God’s plan. If you’re at a crossroads in your life, where you feel like a decision must be made (big or small), go to God for His wisdom. I’m not saying that it will be plain-as-day, as to what you’re supposed to do, just like a writing on the wall, because I believe that God doesn’t always speak “audibly” or “just-plain-visibly”. All I’m asking is that you take this verse for what it says, and just ask Him for the wisdom that you need. You’ll find it one way or another… 🙂
Jan 23 2010