Mocha Club
Dexter here writing from Kalona, IA: the home of ‘Kalona Organics’ and delicious “Cultural Revolution” yogurt. We’ve been on the road with Sanctus Real for a couple weeks now. It’s been one of the best tours I’ve ever been on. Everything has gone so smoothly and everyone on the tour has been a breeze to get along with. We haven’t even had a flat tire yet! (knock on wood). Along with the bands, Sammy Adebiyi has shared the stage with us each night speaking for an organization known as “Mocha Club”.
Mocha Club is an online community of people who are giving their time and money to support relief and development projects in Africa. The challenge each night has been to donate $7 a month, (the cost of 2 mochas) so that people in Africa can have basic needs fulfilled. The main goal is focused on getting these people clean water.
I’ve been talking with Sammy throughout the tour about his story. He is originally from Africa: Nigeria to be exact and came to the States when he was 18 yrs old. He told me his parents enrolled him in a college in Toledo, Ohio, handed him $2,000 cash before giving him a plane ticket. Once he arrived at the airport in New York, it was totally his responsibility to find a way to get to Ohio (a place he had never even heard of), find a place to stay, and begin studying in the states. His parents told him “Ask a police officer how to get to Ohio…surley he can help you.” Soon enough, With the help of a few strangers, Sammy found himself on a Greyhound headed towards Toledo.
Sammy already spoke English, but he spoke British English which was cause for much confusion. Sammy told me he experienced so much culture shock and struggled with finances when his cashflow ran dry. This guy had never even seen snow, didn’t have a coat, and was fighting to find his place as he was thrust into a completely foreign world.
I was fascinated by Sammy’s story and asked him question after question. He went on to tell me that through all this confusion was when he really looked to God. It was in the lowest and scariest times in his life that he could only cry to his creator and found peace in trusting him. He is incredibly passionate about his involvement with Mocha Club, as it hits so close to home. If you have a second, please visit and get involved. There are so many projects that need funding and help from everyday people like you and me. If you can, come to a show on the Sanctus Real Spring Tour. Dates are posted at