In celebration of the release of House of Heroes’ Suburba today, and in marveling at what a fantastic release it is, I wanted to dedicate this post to them. I’ve been browsing the web, and I can’t really find a negative word about it yet. In fact, most music critics so far have been more positive about it than I was in my review (More a testament to their level of enthsiasm rather than a lack of my own).
It’s no secret that I’m an avid fan of the band. They’ve come a long way since the What You Want Is Now days, and I’m loving watching the journey. And I’m pleased as punch about that VINYL that should be at my door today! YES!
I want to present a thesis statement, and then let you guys run with it.
Fact or Fiction: Suburba solidifies House of Heroes as the best thing Christian music has going for it.