I’ve always had this love hate relationship with technology. Some of you know me as Barry, the guy from Code Of Ethics, a band that relied on technology to thrive in the 90’s. You might find this a bit strange, even funny but it’s true! I was selling cd’s at […]
Author: JFH
“Most Dreams Die a Slow Death” by Chris Taylor
It’s 12:23 A.M and I just got back from a 7 mile run with 2 friends (1 of which I just met this evening.) Lately I have found myself drifting off while at work or play thinking about when I can get a run and some decent solitude in. It […]
“Words Don’t Act Unless We Do” by Michael Watson of Above the Golden State
Ah, it’s good to be home this week. The last three weeks since the album release have been gnarls (=intense/crazy/radical). Lots of shows and new things I’ve never dealt with before. So I’ve been having a lot of fun too! Life would be boring with the same routine every hour, every day, every year. […]
“Forget the Shift- Paradigms Need Breaking” by David Goodman
I don’t rightly know how it happened. For as long as I can remember, there has been a singular desire- one thing above and beyond all others to which I have devoted my prayer and attention. Purpose. Calling. Function. Pursuit. Mission. Whatever you’d call it. A vague picture in my […]
“New Girl” by Dawn Michele of Fireflight
Sooooo, I’ve been a little intimidated about starting this up. I guess at first I felt like I had better have something groundbreaking to say every time, otherwise they’d kick me off for sure. But, looking around I found a friend of mine on here and he seems to be getting by just […]
“Humility is not a four-letter word.” by Francesca Battistelli
Here I sit in my “office” (it’s really just an extra room upstairs in my house that desperately needs a bright coat of paint) about a week into the release of my debut album, and there is so much going through my head and my heart. I will attempt to […]
“My Thoughts On Thoughts That I’ve Read Recently” by Wavorly’s Matt Lott
Well, first off, i truly meant to update this blog during the middle of the tour with ruth and nevertheless, but i deleted my myspace account and lost my login info. luckily, john sent it to me via facebook. (in fact, if you have a facebook, look up matt lott […]
“Getting Adjusted…” by Chris Taylor
It’s a super weird feeling getting adjusted to any new way of life. Before becoming a recording artist on a label I had already been married 5 years, 1 toddler down and working a full-time grown up job. Next thing I knew I was traveling more and more playing music […]
“Why Can’t They All Just Say It?” by Matt Johnson
Well, I anticipated doing another blog long before now, but this appears to be a busy Summer for me. After getting home from Creation I’ve been running. A whole month has passed already! That’s crazy. Last weekend I went to a local music fest that featured Seventh Day Slumber and […]
“When Your Heart Needs A Song…” by John DiBiase
It’s no secret that living the Christian life is difficult. Most of us experience dry spells and “why God?” moments in our lives — some more frequently than others — and we often find those times where God seems distant or altogether silent. I was thinking this afternoon about how […]