OK, so here I am. Blogging. Contributing to cyberspace. Whatevs. 🙂
Ever contemplate the meaning of life on this big blue and green marble? Ever think, Why am I here? Could it be to try and leave a mark, to make the world a better place than when we entered it? To find love, happiness, possibly marriage and family? I actually bet it’s to savor the coffee bean in its intoxicating liquid form… mmm… coffee….
Having said that, I’m actually excited to be on staff here at JfH. It’s a very important aspect of my life and I really enjoy administrating the forums, even on difficult days. I feel the Lord, in His wisdom (certainly not my own!) has put me in a place where I was needed at a time when I was needed… to serve Him with every breath in my lungs, every thought in my head, every action of my body… to serve our great God while listening to the most awesomest Christian music at the same time! What a concept, and what a job! Woot!
I love Jesus. My daily prayer is that others will see Him before they see me.