Question: Is it illegal to download music that is out-of-print? I’ve been wondering the past few days, and I haven’t been able to find any proof one way or the other (the RIAA only had a phone number as a contact, and I really didn’t feel like calling them haha). So, does anybody have any idea? If so, let me know.
It makes sense that it wouldn’t be illegal. I mean, if you can’t buy it anywhere, the artist/record label isn’t making any money on it. So what’s the harm in downloading it if they aren’t making money? Even if you buy a used copy on Amazon or something, someone else is making money on it, but not the creators and owners of it.
But, if it’s still illegal, no matter how ridiculous it may be that it is, it’s probably better to not do it.
I don’t know, it doesn’t seem like a big deal to me to do it, but I will be respectful of the record companies and artists if it’s illegal. I just sorta hope that it isn’t.
Any good websites to look at for answers? (Legitimate websites, not random blogs that have opinions on it or something). Thanks to anyone who helps!