My how time flies! We’re in Greensboro, NC, birthplace of the one and only Spencer Chamberlin of Underoath. I type to you from the massive church we played at earlier tonight, as we’re staying the night here. This church is bigger than some of the towns we’ve played in over […]
Month: October 2010
“Rebuild Your Love Tour Day 7” by The Great Transparency
I hear more and more these days from people and news sources that God is not real. I always hear or read about how creation just sort of happened, and that is that. We travel quite a bit in this band, and one of the most rewarding blessings we encounter […]
“Flasback: Off to the Hospital. First Triage?” by Amy DiBiase
It is hard to believe that just over 2 weeks ago, the little person who I now hold in my arms, was still nestled in my tummy safe and sound, coming to the end of a nine-month-long incubation. It was always very challenging for me to consider that when I […]
“Rebuild Your Love Tour Day 6” by The Great Transparency
Freaks…geeks…and rousties! Greetings from the mountains of Elkton, VA! Last night, Day 6 was transformed into “The Greatest Show On Earth”, and we were reunited with some of our most dear friends and past tourmates in White Collar Sideshow, as well as current tourmates Temple Veil. A special thanks to […]
“Life Lessons from a Newborn” by John DiBiase
Well, as I type this, our little guy is officially twelve days old. Yes, time flies, but it’s also been one of the weirdest twelve days I’ve ever had. All kinds of changes have occurred with parenthood. For starters, we’ve probably had more (different) visitors in 12 days at our […]
“Rebuild Your Love Tour Day 5” by The Great Transparency
The date is July 4th, 1896. 39 year-old inventor Elwood Haynes successfully test drives the first ever internal combustion engine, essentially making it the first car ever driven. On October 6, 1886, natural gas was first discovered. In late 1928, Walter Kemp perfected the first ever canned tomato juice. Why […]
“Rebuild Your Love Tour Day 4” by The Great Transparency
Tonight, I come to you from the Hoosier state. We’re in the Indianapolis, Indiana, birthplace to the legendary king f late night David Letterman. It’s always a good time when we pass through Indy, in particular when we get to spend time with the Wilhite family, one of Christian rock’s […]
“For Those Who Wait Tour Blog 2” by Fireflight’s Justin Cox
Well, since the last blog, we had something awesome happen that’s never happened in the history of Fireflight. We had our first sell out show. It was pretty surreal. We played in Greeley, CO 3 nights ago and all 900+ tickets got sold. They even had to get a few […]
“That Our Home May Be a Praise” by Josh Taylor
I absolutely love my parents’ home. It was mine too for eighteen or so years. Let me tell you a little about it. The home actually starts on the front lawn. Back in the day, that’s where all the neighborhood kids knew the best game of touch football could be […]
“Rebuild Your Love Tour Day 3” by The Great Transparency
Hello again, faithful friends! Day 3 was as busy a day we’ve ever had in TgT. We kicked it off in Columbus, Ohio, finishing the vocals for our upcoming Christmas song, of which we are VERY excited about! We can’t wait for you all to hear it! From there, and […]