NEWS SOURCE: Rogers & Cowan PR
LOS ANGELES (June 29, 2023) – Spiritual leader and internationally acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Rabbi Jason Sobel announces the release of his highly-anticipated book, “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: A Fresh Look at the Miracles of Jesus.” Out Sept. 19, via W Publishing Group, an imprint of Thomas Nelson, and available now for preorder, the upcoming title is the follow-up to Rabbi Sobel’s “Mysteries of the Messiah.”
In “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah,” Rabbi Sobel dives deep into Scripture, biblical culture, and ancient texts to help readers better understand the truths and the power behind God’s miracles, and to increase their faith that Jesus can perform miracles in their life, even today.
Says Rabbi Sobel, “Are you, or someone you love, desperate for a miracle? As witnessed through Scripture, the God who was, and is, and is to come, has been performing miracles from the beginning of time—so you can trust that Jesus wants to do something miraculous in your life today!”
In “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah,” Rabbi Sobel unravels the multifaceted layers surrounding the Messiah, shedding light on the rich tapestry of prophecies, symbols, and hidden meanings present in ancient writings. Through insightful analysis of sacred texts, he bridges the gap between religious traditions by providing a deeper understanding of the Messiah and His ancient miracles, as he uncovers direct meanings that can be applied today. From the turning of water into wine and healing the man at the Pool of Bethesda, to multiplying the loaves and fish during the feeding of the 5,000, Rabbi Sobel reveals promises for all Christ followers based on miracles throughout Scripture, including:
- Jesus can take the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary, because He wants you to live out of His overflow (He turned water into wine).
- You can stop wandering aimlessly or feeling stuck in your current situation and, instead, experience abundant life and healing (He healed the man at the Pool of Bethesda).
- God wants to bless you abundantly so you, in turn, can bless others, and sow into His kingdom (Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish).
- Jesus wants to renew you so that He can do something new in you (He revealed to Nicodemus the miracle of rebirth).
Adds Rabbi Sobel, “As you go on this journey with me, I pray that God will lead you to new insights and breakthroughs in your life. And as God reveals Himself to you in a fresh and powerful way, that you will be filled with a sense of His presence and shalom.”
For more information about “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: A Fresh Look at the Miracles of Jesus,” visit www.signsandsecretsofthemessiah.com.
About the Author
Raised in a Jewish home in New Jersey, Rabbi Sobel dedicated much of his life to finding truth. After years of seeking and studying, he encountered God and found his true destiny as a Jewish follower of Jesus (Yeshua). Suddenly, all the traditions Rabbi Sobel grew up with took on new depth and meaning as God connected ancient wisdom with the teachings of the Messiah. Today, Rabbi Sobel is the founder of Fusion Global, a ministry that seeks to bring people into the full inheritance of the faith by connecting treasures of “the old and the new.”
He is a sought-after speaker that has captivated audiences around the world with his profound teachings and engaging storytelling. His voice is authentic, and qualified by years of diligent academic work. He received his rabbinic ordination from the UMJC (Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations) in 2005. He has a B.A. in Jewish Studies (Moody) and an M.A. in Intercultural Studies (Southeastern Seminary). He is the author of “Breakthrough, Aligning with God’s Appointed Times,” “Mysteries of the Messiah,” and co-author with Kathie Lee Gifford of New York Times bestsellers “The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi” and “The God of the Way.” He is also the spiritual advisor to the worldwide hit “The Chosen” TV series; and host of “The Chosen Unveiled” on TBN.
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