I have a long list of things that confuse me in this world, and area codes are high on that list. They just don’t make sense. 615 is the Nashville code, but if you change one number, for example 616, you’re almost 9 hours away in Michigan. Sometimes we play this game in the van and name off various area codes to see who can guess what city it’s from. I’d like to think I have quite a few memorized but there is always one that stumps me. Sometimes the Bible stumps me too. Every now and then I’ll come across a passage that doesn’t make sense, and I get frustrated and close the book. There is a story about a man who is in a similar predicament in Acts Chapter 8. Philip is led by God’s spirit to approach a man reading the book of Isaiah. He asks the man,
“Do you understand what you are reading?”
“How can I, ” he said, “Unless someone explains it to me?”
Philip then proceded to explain to the man, and even baptized him. I think it’s ok to feel frustrated with the scriptures. There is a bit of a language boundary. The original languages were very different from english and meanings can get twisted. Sometimes I come across something and I’ll have to chew on it for a while. I have to do a little research and sleep on it. I think it’s important though to also remember that The Gospel is for everyone. Jesus’ message was meant for the simple, everyday people like you and me. Matthew 11 says, “You’ve concealed your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls, but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people.” Don’t get down on ourself if you can’t understand something in scripture. Chew on it, and ask questions. That’s the only way we can really learn!
P.S.Any body know the area code for wichita, KS?