Well hello friends. It’s Seth here from Me in Motion. Just writing you from cold and cloudy Fort Smith, AR, chillin in the Fort Smith Event Center where the first tour date of the Nothing and Everything Tour with Red and Pillar kicks off tonite! We’re super excited to be a part of this awesome team of great bands, and geniune people.
I titled this first blog, “Tour is definetely here”, as we were reminded last night as we left Nashville at midnite, only to make it a half an hour down the road and have our brakes go out in our 26 foot trailer! (see picture below) If you know anything about touring and vans, this is a really bad thing! So we found ourselves standing in a gas station parking lot at 1 am, 18 degrees outside, pulling every fuse out of the van to see if it could be a blown fuse. No luck. We then proceeded to check the wiring on the back of the van. One sign of a problem, the wiring assembly had completely ripped off the back of the van, but was all still intact! So we then look at another wire, which we realized had been previously dragged on the ground, and covered with a mass of gaff tape! “There is our problem!” we all say. So begins, cutting the wire, stripping it all apart, and rewiring it all back together, to find ourselves back in a warm van at 2:30 am. This reminded me, tour is definetely here!
But that’s not all! 6 am comes, and we find ourselves with a shredded trailer tire (see picture below), and no jack capable of lifting the beast of a trailer that we have (still accepting ideas for names, Bessy, Free Willy, etc?).
So we use our band ingenuity and decide to drive our trailer up onto some wood blocks, to find ourselves successfully changing the tire out, and getting back on the dusty trail by 7 am. Tour is definetely here!
And finally, 2 and a half hours late, we pull into the venue, and celebrate actually making it to the first show, and thanking God for getting us all there in one piece, and then setup went smoothly! (see picture below)
In moments like we faced last night, I was reminded of one of my favorite verses, which I’m sure a lot of you have heard, Philippians 4:13:
“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”
We found ourselves last night arriving on the realization of “Tour is definetely here”, and that when we encounter all the difficulties the road has to offer, that we are only going to reach our fullest through living a life for Christ, and knowing that we will only be let down if we try any other way. I’ll take it a step further for all of you and say that once we realize that life isn’t always easy, in fact, a lot of the time, it’s not, we need to be reminded of that verse, and find that once we’re living as we’re created to, that we will find, “Life is definitely here”, we just need to reach out and take it. 🙂

Our 26 foot trailer
Blown tire
At the venue