My favorite time of the day is the morning, when I get to spend some time with the Lord in His presence and His Word. I get still before Him, and I talk to Him about anything and everything. I’ve discovered that if I approach God with an attitude of expectancy, it makes all the difference.
David knew this, too, because he wrote: “In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].” (Psalm 5:3 AMP) I’ve gotten in the habit of saying to God as I sit before Him with an open Bible: “Lord, show me where to go in Your Word today. Speak to my heart, and help me to hear and heed Your voice.” When I do this, I find that the Spirit of God always leads me to the Scriptures I need at that moment, and He makes me sensitive to His “still, small voice”.
If your prayer life isn’t what you would like it to be, perhaps you aren’t praying with the proper attitude. Psalm 85:8 (AMP) says: “I will listen [with expectancy] to what God the Lord will say.” If you will approach God with an attitude of expectancy every time you seek Him, you will find Him eager to speak to you, and to reveal Himself to you. And as you respond to Him in faith and obedience, you will find yourself knowing Him and His will for you better and better all the time!